
5 Steps To Take Before Getting Your Track Mixed

Mixing a track can be a daunting task, but with the right preparation, it can be a breeze. Here are five steps you can take before getting your track mixed to ensure that the process goes smoothly:

1. Organize your files

Before you begin mixing, make sure that all of your audio files are properly labeled and organized. This will make it easier for the mixer to find the files they need and will ensure that nothing gets lost in the process.

2. Set your levels

Before you send your track to be mixed, make sure that all of the levels on your tracks are set correctly. This will save the mixer time and will ensure that the final mix sounds as good as possible.

3. Add effects

If you have any specific effects that you want to add to your track, it’s best to add them before the mixing process begins. This will allow the mixer to hear your vision for the track and will save them time when it comes to adding effects.

4. Check for clipping

Clipping occurs when the audio signal exceeds the maximum level that a device can handle. This can cause distortion and can negatively affect the final mix. Before sending your track to be mixed, make sure to check for clipping and make any necessary adjustments.

5. Communicate with the mixer

Communication is key when it comes to mixing a track. Before the process begins, make sure to discuss your vision for the track with the mixer and let them know of any specific requests you may have. This will ensure that the final mix is exactly what you want it to be.

By following these five steps, you’ll be able to ensure that your track is properly prepared for the mixing process and that the final mix sounds exactly how you want it to. Remember, a good communication with your mixer and a good preparation will make the process smoother and more efficient.