
Are You Signed To Publishing? (You Might be leaving Money On The Table)

If you’re a musician, songwriter or an artist, signing to a publishing deal can be a great way to earn additional income and take your career to the next level. However, many musicians are not aware of the benefits of publishing, and may be leaving money on the table. Here are a few reasons why signing to a publishing deal can be beneficial:


Signing to a publishing deal means that you will be entitled to royalties for the use of your songs in various settings. This includes radio play, streaming, film and TV placements, and more. By signing to a publishing deal, you can be sure that you’re getting paid for all uses of your songs.


Publishing companies have the resources and connections to promote your songs to a wider audience. They can pitch your songs to record labels, music supervisors, and other industry professionals, which can lead to more opportunities for your music.

Publishing companies can help to protect your copyrights and ensure that you’re getting paid for all uses of your songs. They can also handle any disputes or infringement issues that may arise.


Publishing companies can connect you with other songwriters, composers, and artists, which can lead to new collaborations and creative opportunities.

Advance payment

Many publishing deals come with an advance payment, which can be a helpful financial boost for musicians, especially those who are just starting out.

Overall, signing to a publishing deal can be a great way for musicians to earn additional income and take their career to the next level. By securing royalties, promotion, copyright protection, collaboration, and an advance payment, it can be a valuable step in the music industry.